FutureCoal Communication

Transforming to FutureCoal: The Global Alliance for Sustainable Coal

After 38 years the World Coal Association (WCA) will cease and usher in a new era under the transformative branding: FutureCoal – The Global Alliance for Sustainable Coal.

Unveiling the new brand logo and identity at a dedicated press conference in Delhi, FutureCoal Chief Executive, Michelle Manook, said the change responded to a call from coal and coal allied sectors to modernise, and unite under a common purpose.

The FutureCoal organisation will now open its doors representing major and strategic players across the entire coal value chain. The organisation advocates for an inclusive all fuels and all technologies international policy framework to support the sovereign rights of all coal producing and consuming nations and those nations and stakeholders which genuinely seek to support them.

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What is FutureCoal?

The FutureCoal Global Alliance is the world’s only multi-lateral, neutral and progressive organisation representing the entire coal value chain which is dedicated to raising awareness and safeguarding the significant role that coal plays internationally.

The Global Alliance educates on the critical resource coal and its immense and continued contribution to bettering the lives and livelihoods of our global community. We recognise that as an integrated coal value chain, we must serve to support both economic and environmental national and international ambitions.

It opens up new markets of collaboration and unites all coal and coal allied sector stakeholders representing thermal, metallurgical, renewable supply chains and coal innovation sectors with corporate members and national industry partners based in major coal economies and markets including Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, New Zealand, South Africa, Russia, United States, and Zimbabwe.

We believe that coal, when used responsibly and sustainably, can contribute significantly to both economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Two things remain true; 1) the environmental and socio-economic threat of climate change is real and must be mitigated and 2) all nations are at different stages of development and require unique energy mixes.

Knowing this, we at FutureCoal have designed Sustainable Coal Stewardship which underpins the operations of our organisation and our members.


Sustainable Coal Stewardship

Sustainable Coal Stewardship (SCS) provides a pathway which supports extracting more value per tonne of coal. Value is determined and measured in both economic and environmental benefits.

SCS describes an intent, approach and a broader definition of the abatement opportunities that the coal value chain has to modernise and transform their coal and allied businesses to meet and advance the needs of our global society.

SCS does not prescribe what abatement opportunities should be adopted by any nation or company. Rather it supports the right to choose and establishment of a coal ecosystem which includes options of efficiency, process improvements, health and safety, emissions reduction including carbon abatement, waste management and recycling, land rehabilitation, technology advancement and innovation.

Read the FutureCoal Overview

Contact Information

Website: www.futurecoal.org

Email Address: info@futurecoal.org


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